Ba Na Hills - a name that is not strange to Da Nang residents and Vietnamese. Emerging as a phenomenon, Ba Na make tourists be deep in love with occult beauties of primitive forests, beautiful flower gardens in 4 seasons, amusement park with attractive games and ancient and luxurious France Village,.. Furthermore, tourists can experience multicultural cultures of many different areas in the world. Only coming to Ba Na Hills, you can have more knowledge of different places

You can choose different transports to come to Ba Na. Depending on your habit, you can have a adventurous journey by your motor with big cubic centimetre or sitting on touring cars. If you are a person who likes perfect and safe things, you should have a trip in tour. Being a famous travel company with reasonable prices and high quality, Quang Da Travel is a company which is familiar to many tourists. Not only Ba Na hills tour, Quang Da Travel also has other tours for you to travel around my country. You can refer tourist destinations of Quang Da Travel Company through 110 - 125 Pham Nhu Xuong - Da Nang City - Viet Nam. Although quality of services and car firms are good but tour prices of Quang Da Travel company are very reasonable. You can refer more informations about bana hill tour 1 day or danang tours through by hotline : +84 913278151
Coming to Ba Na, tourists can immerse in festival atmosphere, performances during a day.
Twice a day, there are some carnival summer festivals in Ba Na. In these festivals, artists take the part of different characters in colorful clothes which attract tourist in all ages. Thanks to melodies and special dances of professional dancers, you can dance and enjoy festival comfortable.

In spaces of fairy-tale, tourists will watch original prestidigitation performances of Europe artists, stilt performances or imagine through images of characters in fairy-tale.
As a gift for children, in the summer there, are some robots in Ba Na. This is a special show in Viet Nam. Being different from images of rigid and glacial robots on television, Ba Na’s robots are very close, friendly in funny and interesting dances, Besides, children can take photos with amicable and playful robots comfortably. In the summer of each day, camouflaging festivals for tourist to take the part of characters in fairy-tale. Tourists can think of their childhood through characters from “world of angels”

This resort will also attract tourists by original prestidigitation performances . Music is bustling everywhere, tourists will not stopping dance in colorful space of bands from Europe.
Especially, in the week of France culture, this place will reappear a part of luxurious France including shows, shopping, eating and drinking culture, exhibitions,...
Ba Na attract tourists on not only the daytime, at night this place also very noisy with many attractive activities such as fire dances, street music… Besides, night on the top of Ba Na, you can contemplate the world of stars through astronomical telescope.
Besides of noisy festival, and eventful sounds, tourists can savour classic comedy programs of the world through artists from Europe.

You can experience adventurous intelligent games in Fantasty Park - a amusement park which is in top 5 of Asia. Designed by special and imposing architecture, this place has many new and interesting games such as colliding trams, shooting, slipping cars,..
All times in Ba Na are very memmorable. Anytime, tourists can experience new and motional things. Ba Na is both active and mild, that is Ba Na’s impressing poiint for each tourist.
Let’s come here and experience it yourself!